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Post Sales Features
  • Dashboard
    On Dash board you can see statistics, latest open tickets and navigation links to manage different section of CRM. You can click on any counts to view details under statistics section.
  • Suppliers
    You can view list of Suppliers with details information and also can Add, Edit and Delete Supplier.
  • Product and Services
    You can manage your Product & Services. You can see details information and also can Add, Edit and Product & Service.
  • Resellers
    Manage your Resellers. It shows list of resellers with option to control reseller's profile,sub-resellers,users,agents,members,packages and retail packages for that reseller.
Click to Zoom

  • Manage Orders
    You can manage sales (Approve Order) and generate invoice from this section.You can manage released orders,current and historical invoices.
  • Inventory
    The Inventory section has a list of reserved Membership Numbers and PIN combinations for different products. Once a new member subscribes for a product, the CRM assigns a unique Membership Number and PIN combination to the member depending upon the subscribed product. Every Membership Number and PIN combination is associated with a specific product, and that combination cannot be used for any other product.
  • Reports
    This module provides you multiple reports related to Suppliers, Activation ,Cancellation. You can generate and download the report in MS-Excel format.
  • Sales
    In this section sale agent can add new members and sale only retail packages assigned to them.
Product and Services
Search Products
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  • Membership Services
    Powerful interface to give excellent after sale service to your members.In this section you can search members based on many criteria like first name, last name and membership number etc. You can view his Program Details, Member Info, Membership History, Referral History, Tickets, Notes.
  • Provider Relationship
    In this section you can manage Provider Details, View Provider Pricing and Search Pricing List. This section also allows you to manage ticketing for members.


Automation CRM Features
About AutomationCRM  
CRM Technology  
Easy Implementation  
Pre-Sales Features  
Master Reseller Features  
Sub Reseller Feature  
Reseller Management  
Supplier Management  
Products & Services  
Retail Package  
Inventory Management  
Billing and Invoice  
Post-Sales Features  
Customer Support  
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